











[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高比例新能源电力系统阻尼特性概率分析与柔性控制协同优化理论与方法,2024.01-2027.1252万,主持.

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,含高渗透率风电的电力系统小干扰概率稳定性评估与控制2016.01-2018.1224万元,主持.

[3] 河南省科技攻关项目,电网消纳大规模新能源的稳定机理与协调控制关键技术,2020.01-2021.1210万元,主持.

[4] 河南省科技攻关项目,能源互联网下风光储接入对电力系统阻尼振荡特性影响研究,2018.01-2019.1210万元,主持.

[5] 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划,风光储/火打捆外送系统区域交互影响及稳定性研究,2018.01-2020.126万元,主持.

[6] 河南省留学基金择优项目,新能源并网柔性控制关键技术,2021.01-2021.128万元,主持.

[7] 平高集团智能电力科技有限公司(横向项目),智能台区监测系统的关键技术研究及平台开发,2021.09-2023.01210万,主持.

[8] 北京燕供天城科技有限公司(横向项目),智慧用电系统开发,2019.08-2020.0335万元,主持

[9] 西安浩能电气科技有限公司(横向项目),基于改进电磁法发电机铁芯故障检测新技术研究,2018.11-2020.07100万元,主持.


[1] Ping He, Zhao Li, Haoran Jin, Chen Zhao, Jiale Fan, Xiaopeng Wu, An adaptive VSG control strategy of battery energy storage system for power system frequency stability enhancement[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 149: 109039.

[2] Ping He, Lei Yun, Yukun Tao, Jiale Fan, Zhiwen Pan, Mingyang Wang, Coordination of PSS and STATCOM‑POD to Improve Low‑Frequency Oscillation Characteristics of Wind‑Thermal‑Bundled Transmission System Using Improved Salp Swarm Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2023: 1-18.

[3] Ping He, Haoran Jin, Zhiwen Pan, Lei Yun, Fushuan Wen, Hua Yang, Yukun Tao, Optimal Strategy for Enhancing Probabilistic Small-Signal Stability in a Power System with Wind-PV-Thermal Bundled Transmission[J]. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2023, 149(3): 04023014.

[4] Ping He, Xiaowei Zhang, Congshan Li, Lei Yun, Hua Yang, Yabang Yan, Smooth Regulation of DC Voltage in VSC-MTDC Systems Based on Optimal Adaptive Droop Control[J]. Technical Gazette, 2023, 30(4): 1234-1240.

[5] Ping He, Zhiwen Pan, Jiale Fan, Yukun Tao, Mingyang Wang, Coordinated design of PSS and multiple FACTS devices based on the PSO-GA algorithm to improve the stability of wind–PV–thermal-bundled power system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023: 1-15.

[6] Ping He, Mingyang Wang, Jiaqi Sun, Zhiwen Pan, Yongliang Zhu, Suppression of low-frequency oscillations in power systems containing wind power using DFIG–PSS4B based on MRAC[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023: 1-15.

[7] Ping He, Qiyuan Fangetc.Coordinated design of PSS and STATCOM-POD based on the GA-PSO algorithm to improve the stability of wind-PV-thermal-bundled power system, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022,141:108208.

[8] Ping He, Mingming ZhengHaoran JingHua YangLei YunYabang Yan. Introducing MRAC-PSS-VI to Increase Small-signal Stability of Power System After Wind Power Integration,International Transactions on Electrical Energy SystemsVolume 2022: 3525601.

[9] Ping He, Runjie Shen; Fushuan Wen, Qi Pan.Coordinated Optimization of Parameters of PSSs and 1 UPFC-PODC for Improving Small-Signal Stability of a Power System with Renewable Energy Generation. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2021,147(2): 04020089-1-11.

[10] Ping He, Zhao Li, Mingming Zheng, Fushuan Wen, Yuqi Ji,Xinxin Wu. Damping Characteristics of Interconnected Power Systems with Wind-Photovoltaic-Thermal-Bundled Power Transmitted by AC/DC Systems. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2021, 147(5): 04021029-1-10.

[11] Ping He, Runjie Shen; Fushuan Wen, Qi Pan.Coordinated Optimization of Parameters of PSSs and 1 UPFC-PODC for Improving Small-Signal Stability of a Power System with Renewable Energy Generation. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2021,147(2): 04020089-1-11.

[12] Ping He, Seyed Ali Arefifar, Congshan Li, Fushuan Wen, Yuqi Ji, Yukun Tao. Enhancing Oscillation Damping in an Interconnected Power System with Integrated Wind Farms Using UPFC[J]. Energies, 2019,12(322): 1-16.

[13] Ping He, Seyed Ali Arefifar, Congshan Li Yukun Tao. Small Signal Stability of DFIG Integrated Power Systems Based on Probabilistic Eigenvalue Sensitivity Analysis[J]. IET Generation, Transmission, Distribution. 2019, 13(4): 3127–3137.

[14] Ping He, Haoran Jin, Qiyuan Fang, Pan Qi, Zhijie Gong, Yuqi Ji, Small-Signal Stability Improvement of Grid Integrated DFIG and SOFC System with SSSC-POD Using Coordinated Optimization Approach[J]. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering), 2022, 15(6): 485-501.

[15] Ping He, Jie Dong, Xiaopeng Wu, Lei Yun, Hua Yang, Photovoltaic power prediction based on improved grey wolf algorithm optimized back propagation[J]. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 2023, 72(3): 613-628.

[16] Ping He, Yongliang Zhu, Qiuyan Li, Jiale Fan, Yukun Tao, Research on improving low-frequency oscillation characteristics of wind power grid-connected power system with doubly-fed wind generator based on virtual impedance power system stabilizer[J]. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 2023, 72(3): 811-828.

[17] 和萍方棋元,武小鹏,陶玉昆,宫智杰,风光火打捆外送系统STATCOM-POD协调优化设计[J]. 电力系统保护与控制, 2022(1): 50(1):78-87

[18] 和萍,李钊,李从善,方祺元,郑明明,基于虚拟同步机技术的储能机电暂态特性建模[J].电力系统保护与控制, 202250(7): 11-22.

[19] Ping HeHaoran JinMingmingZhengRunjie Shen. FACTS devices based on the improved steepest descent algorithm to  improve the small-signal stability of wind-PV grid-connected system. JES Journal of Electrical Systems 2022, 18(2): 173-192.

[20] 和萍,宫智杰,靳浩然,董杰,云磊高比例可再生能源电力系统调峰问题综述[J]. 电力建设,2022, 43(11): 108-12.

[21] Ping He, Xinxin Wu, Congshan Li, Mingming Zheng, Zhao Li. Damping Characteristics Improvement and Index Evaluation of a Wind-PV-Thermal-Bundled Power Transmission System by Combining PSS and SSSCArchives of Electrical Engineering2020, 69(3): 705-721.

[22] 和萍,祁盼,申润杰,方棋元,李从善,武小鹏. 计及风电和燃料电池的综合能源系统阻尼特性分析[J].电力科学与技术学报, 2020, 35(1): 14-23.

[23] 和萍,陈婕,耿斯涵,申润杰,祁盼. FACTS装置对含风电互联系统低频振荡特性分析[J].电力系统保护与控制, 2020, 48(8): 86-95.

[24] 和萍,申润杰,祁盼,李钊,方祺元,郑明明四种FACTS装置对改善风光互补系统低频振荡特性分析[J]. 智慧电力, 202048(7): 65-72


[1] 和萍李从善李凯章等,一种基于虚拟阻抗的DFIG-PSS控制器设计方法发明专利, 专利号:ZL202011603063.8.

[2] 和萍李凯章李从善等,一种风光火打捆外送系统STATCOM-POD 协调优化设计方法发明专利专利号:ZL202011602020.8.

[3] 和萍赵琛,陶玉昆,基于SSSC的含DFIG-SOFC多能源系统动态交互分析方法,专利号:202010326860.X,授权时间:2022.06.

[4] 和萍,武小鹏,赵琛,一种基于最速下降法的阻尼控制器协调参数优化方法,专利号:202010310791.3,授权时间:2022.07.

[5] 和萍陶玉昆,赵琛,一种基于虚拟同步发电机技术的储能机电暂态建模方法,专利号:202011062715.1,授权时间:2022.06.

[6] 和萍,刘文娟,王旻,一种高等级公路电动汽车充电协调充电控制方法,专利号:ZL2018104276220,授权时间2020.07.

[7] 和萍,杨小亮,金楠等,一种基于概率灵敏度指标的风电落点配置方法,专利号:ZL201711284985.5授权时间:2019.02.

[8] 和萍,李从善,陶玉昆等,一种分析DFIG动力学特性与电力系统动态交互影响的方法,专利号:ZL201711214722.7授权时间:2018.12.


[1] 高渗透率新能源电力系统动态稳定控制关键技术及应用,河南省人民政府,河南省科技进步奖,二等奖,2019年,第一.
